Follow the events of the VII. IBCC minute by minute. We’ll be reporting the details of the competition on our website. We’ll be near the most important events and then from 23th April, we’ll provide live broadcast during the period of the competition from our studio on the site!
The teams could occupy their spots this morning at 7 am. The plan is to start the competition at noon, but we are expecting strong winds.
At the moment there is a level two storm warning in effect for the entire Balaton area. We ask all teams, to ensure their safety and to avoid sanctions, to monitor the storm warning equipment, or their mobile apps.
IBCC VIII has begun! The competitors cannot go on the water at the moment. They can start fishing from the shore, because there is a level 2 warning in effect for all three basins due to strong winds.
Spring weather has a positive effect on the appetite of Balaton carp. 19 teams have caught measurable fish, 25 fish have been caught so far. Out of these, there were 22 common carp and 3 mirror carp.

Dear competitors!
Tonight at 20:00 the GPS trackers come online, we ask all teams to respect the relevant rules in order to ensure fair play. We wish everyone an exciting night rich in fish!